Archives 2011

KCWA Family Picnic 2011

KCWA Family Picnic 2011 – 21st October 2011

Venue : Ahmadi Garden

Pictures by: Mr. Alban D’souza


Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its annual Family Picnic on Friday 21st October 2011 at Ahmadi Gardens. The day long fun-filled event comprised of sporting activities, games, entertainment and prizes galore, thoroughly enjoyed by adults and children alike.

The event began at 9:30 am with the Opening Prayer and hymn animated by Rudy D’souza. President Stephen Machado extended a warm welcome to the KCWA Family and requested each one to enjoy the day with the true family spirit. Mr. Pascal Pinto -ex-President, Patron Member, Donor and a popular personality in Kuwait was the chief guest for the day. In his message, he appreciated KCWA’s achievements and wished success in years to come. Prior to start of the games, everyone savored the delicious sannas/vadas with chutney/sambar served by M&M Confectionery.


Men, women, teenagers, kids and even senior citizens enjoyed every moment of the day with lots of fun-filled games. The crowd was extremely excited and enthusiastically participated in all the activities. Since the month of October is dedicated to Breast Cancer awareness, all men were asked to blow pink balloons which were handed over to the ladies to show that they care for each other.


Vijay led the grace before meals. Delicious lunch was served by M&M Confectionery. The crowd danced to the tune of DJ music provided by Kiran, Joyston and Reema. The sound system was arranged by Illuminations and was supported by Lancy Rodrigues. The whole day’s event was wonderfully compered by Rudy D’souza and was ably supported by Stephen Machado, Dr. Manohar Prabhu and Sunitha D’silva.



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