
General Body Meeting

General Body Meeting

Venue : Indian Community School, Amman branch


Dear Member,

We cordially invite you to attend KCWA’s General Body Meeting on Friday, 31st August 2012 at the Indian Community School, Amman branch (near Shahara Amman roundabout) Salmiya from 6:15pm. The meeting will conclude by 8:30 pm with fellowship dinner. A copy of the agenda is attached for your reference.


Important Notice

  • Members’ children with excellent academic / extra-curricular achievements in 2012 will be felicitated with flowers. Register your names for the felicitation latest by 17th August 2012.
  • Preparation for Monthi Fest Celebration will be discussed.
  • KCWA constitution amendments will be presented for review and approval.
  • Lucky draw of member present at the GBM will be held as usual.
  • Membership counter will be open for registration of new members and renewals.

We appreciate your presence and valuable input. Please encourage fellow friends/relatives (Mangalorean Catholics) to become members and invite them for the meeting, where they can experience KCWA family atmosphere.

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