
Monthi Fest 2014

Monthi Fest 2014:


Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA), in collaboration with the Konkani Community of the Holy Family Cathedral celebrated the Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as the Monthi Fest on the 14th of September 2014 at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City. Monthi Fest derives its name from the Friary or Monastery of Capuchins ” Monte Mariano” at Farangipet in Mangalore District and was initiated by Fr. Joachim Miranda, a Goan Catholic Priest at Farangipet in 1763.

KCWA has been celebrating this feast since its formation in 1988 and Mangaloreans all around the world celebrate this important feast because it prepares the way for the birth of Christ.

Rev. Fr. Anthony Lopez, Rev. Fr. Noel D’Almeida, Rev. Fr. Robin Lopez, Rev. Fr. Xavier D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza and Deacon Sylvester blessed the novem and dates at 4:00 pm at the grotto amidst a huge gathering of people followed by the procession to the church for the concelebrated mass in Konkani.  The mass was attended by over 4000 people and in a very special way for the very first time His Excellency Shri. Sunil Jain the Indian ambassador to Kuwait was a part of the blessing of the Novem and the Eucharistic celebration.

At the end of the mass His grace most Rev. Petar Rajic, the apostolic Nuncio to Kuwait spoke a few words and gave his message on this blessed occasion to all those who gathered for the mass. His Excellency Shri. Sunil Jain too spoke a few words. It was very heartening to learn that he knows so much about Christianity. He spoke wonderfully about universal peace and pledged his support to all the Indian Community present in the church.

KCWA’s ardent supporters Mrs. & Mr. Lawrence D’Souza of M/S Caesars Group and KCWA patron member Mrs. & Mr. Vallie D’Sa of M/s Khalil Bahman & Partners were present for the celebration.

The traditional fellowship dinner had been arranged for thousands of devotees gathered on this occasion. KCWA’s President Mr. Anil Fernandes welcomed the gathering. The dinner was prepared by M&M Confectionary.

For the first time KCWA had live video streaming of the entire event on its website and Facebook and a special mention goes to KCWA’s Media Team who worked very hard to report live from the venue so that those who could not make it to attend the celebration could view and be a part of it.

The main objective of KCWA in celebrating the Monthi Fest along with the traditional dinner in the Holy Family Cathedral is to provide those who work as house helps and drivers an opportunity to enjoy this feast as one family. We are indebted to His Lordship Bishop Camillo Ballin for having faith in our motto and for giving us the opportunity to serve our brethren.

KCWA in a very special way thanks the Konkani Community of the Holy Family Cathedral headed by Rev. Fr. Anthony Lopez. We had their whole hearted support and participation and a special mention goes to them for the way they planned the management of the crowd.

KCWA thanks all those who came forward to help as volunteers – to serve the fellowship dinner, to usher the crowd, and those who supported this event with their generous contribution.

The whole event was successfully coordinated by Ms. Freya Saldanha and Mr. Deepak Andrade. Kudos to them!

KCWA Media Team : Rajesh Aranha, Reema Lobo, Joyston D’souza, Alban D’souza, Winston Alphonso, Steevan Misquith, Orson D’souza & Freya Saldanha





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