
KCWA Nathalanchi Saanz 2017

Photographs by: Prem Crasto, Joy Roshan D’Silva & Avil Fernandes

Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) celebrated Nathalanchi Saanz 2017 under the leadership of its President Hilary Stevan Rego on Friday 22nd December in Indian Community School Auditorium, Khaitan, Kuwait. Fr. Noel D’Almeida was the chief guest. The programme began with introduction by Comperes Ashley D’Silva and Reema D’Souza followed by welcome speech by President Hilary Stevan Rego. KCWA’s 30 years celebration logo was launched by Fr. Noel on the occasion.

Sponsors of the event were felicitated by Fr. Noel D’Almieda. The merit scholarships and mementos were distributed to members’ children who excelled in the academic year 2016-17. Alwyn Noronha led the proceedings of merit scholarship awards. Fr. Noel delivered the Christmas message to the gathering.

Melodious Christmas Carols were sung by winners of KCWA Talent Competition group. Winners of KCWA Dancing Star performed their dances. Jhankar Dance Academy entertained the gathering. Jive competition round1 was held during the event which was judged by Jasper Ratos and Suzan Dsouza. Live band performance by Soul Stirrers rocked the stage and brought the crowd on their toes. Indo Grooves dance group mesmerized the gathering. Gumtan by Maxi and group took the gathering back to their roots. Lucy Aranha, Rajesh Fernandes and Lionel Ajekar sailed the gathering into the world of laughter with their skit.

Children were excited as the Santa made his entry. Goodies were distributed to the kids. Jive competition final round was held and winners were awarded with trophies by Jasper and Suzan. Hamper draw was conducted by Anil Fernandes, Naveen Mascarenhas, Jinella Rodrigues and Michael Pinto with fabulous prizes during the event. Highest hamper sellers were honored with gift vouchers by Fr. Noel and President Stevan Rego. Members’ Affairs Coordinator Sunitha D’Silva briefed the gathering about KCWA membership, its benefits to members and requested fellow mangaloreans to be a part of this organization. Sunitha also conducted the members’ draw for 3 categories that comprised of 2018 renewed members present at the venue, 2018 renewed members present or not at the venue and for Honorary, Patron and Life members.

Painting was auctioned among audience by Manohar Prabhu and Anil Fernandes. Ivan Mendes & family won the painting auction. The master piece was created by Trevor Pacheco. Lots of spot prizes were awarded during the event.

Walter Santhumayor proposed the vote of thanks and Fr. Noel recited the grace before meals prayer. Sumptuous dinner was served by Caesars Group of restaurants. Prem Crasto, Joy Roshan D’Silva and Avil Fernandes captured the whole event with their skills in photography. The backdrop and Santa Photo Booth was done by Godwin Veigas which created a festive ambience. Anand D’Souza of Waves Events & Engineering provided Lights & Sounds and foot tapping music was arranged by Hywel Pinto. The programme was well compered by Ashley D’Silva and Reema D’Souza. The programme was coordinated by Hywel Pinto, Sunitha D’Silva, Walter Santhumayor and well supported by KCWA Managing and Support Committee Members.

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