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KCWA First Holy Communion 2015

KCWA Celebrates First Holy Communion

Venue: Indian Community School, Khaitan

Pics by: Alban D’Souza & Alwyn Noronha


KCWA held First Holy Communion Party of its members’ children for the 9th Year in succession on Friday May 08, 2015. The celebration was held in ICSK auditorium, Khaitan.

Six of members’ children participated in the community celebration with KCWA along with the company of over 400 guests. The participating children were:


·         Stacy Maria Rodrigues D/O Elias & Stella Rodrigues of Permude Parish

·         Delia D’Mello D/O Alan & Flevia D’Mello of Surathkal Parish

·         Lionel Mark D’Souza S/O Prem Peter & Lavina Celine D’Souza of Bendur Parish

·         Albert Hansel Furtado S/O Rajesh Aldrin & Diana Furtado of Mulky Parish

·         Danica Princia D’Souza D/O Urban & Janet D’Souza of Shirva Parish

·         Aloma Jane Andrade D/O John & Helen Andrade of Mira Road Parish










After the MC of the evening, Dr. Manohar Prabhu welcomed the gathering, the first holy communicants came in procession with candles and cut the cake together after prayer. Communicants also performed the prayer dance choreographed by Linette D’Souza.


KCWA President Albert Praveen Menezes welcomed all the guests. Visiting Priest Fr. Melvin D’Souza of Adyapady Parish near Bajpe in Mangaluru raised the toast and congratulated and blessed all the first holy communicants. On behalf of parents, Rajesh Furtado responded to the toast and thanked KCWA for such a memorable celebration. Fr Melvin presented mementos to the communicants on behalf of KCWA.

 Various games for children and adults were organized and spot prizes were also given. First holy communicant Danica Princia D’Souza performed a Bollywood dance. All the guests enjoyed the scintillating music of DJ Kiran Sunny as they danced their hearts out. The well-organized get-together concluded with a baila dance session.



Snacks, refreshments and delicious dinner was served to all by Oriental Caterers. The event was ably compered by ace comperer Dr. Manohar Prabhu. Linette D’Souza and Freya Saldanha trained the communicants. Rajesh Aranha recited thanks giving prayer and grace before meals. Alban D’Souza, Alwyn Noronha and Prem Crasto captured the event with their skills in videography and photography. Backdrop was arranged by Godwin Veigas. The whole event was successfully coordinated by Freya Saldanha and President Albert Praveen Menezes with the support from KCWA Managing Committee Members.


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