Venue : Ahmadi Garden
Photos by: Alban D’souza
KCWA: Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its annual Family Picnic for its members and their families on Friday 9th November at Ahmadi garden. The picnic included sporting activities, games, entertainment, food and prizes which was enjoyed by all.
As special attraction of the event KCWA organized the six a side Tug of War championship 2012, in which 12 teams participated. Each team had to have a minimum of 2 ladies. Mudubelle team won the championship.
M & M confectionery provided the delicious lunch. The picnic was coordinated by JoystonD’souza and was supported by the Managing committee members. Illuminations provided the sound operated byLancy Rodrigues. DJ Reema D’Souza entertained the crowd throughout day. Alban D’souza clicked the photographs.