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KCWA celebrates Konkani Diwas in grandeur

Photos by : Alban D’Souza & Alwyn Noronha

Konkani community of Kuwait witnessed a colorful and memorable cultural fest at the Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) Konkani Diwas on Friday, 15th February in Carmel School, Khaitan. The daylong event witnessed rich and vibrant culture & traditions of Mangalore and Goa, non-stop variety entertainment program by kids, Roce Sambhram, Khazar, comedy skit, dance and songs by Mangalorean and Goan associations. Over 300 participants displayed their talents in various competitions organized for different age groups. Authentic Mangalorean homemade food items like sanna, panpole, sweet mutli, appam, chicken sukka, kori-rotti, sorpotel etc. cherished people with the taste of hometown.

The day began with registration reconfirmation counter opening at 10:30 am. Comperes of the competitions Harry Fernandes and Riona Furtado welcomed the gathering. Various competitions like Coloring, Draw & Color, Charmuri mixing for men, Poha making for women, Fancy Dress, Singing, Solo Dance, Group dance, Storytelling, Pick & speak, Haskulle/Standup Comedy were conducted by Managing Committee Members. Fr. Noel D’Almeida, Sr. Sharmila D’Souza, Manoj Kumar, Gretta Saldanha, Lancy Rodrigues, Lucy Aranha, Rudy D’Souza, Laveena Praphulla, Vickey Mathias, Shalini Alva, Joe D’Souza, Janet D’Souza, Gladys Lorena, Roque Lewis, Ida D’Silva & Sarita D’Souza were the judges for different competitions.

In the evening, stage program started with introduction about Konkani Culture/traditions. The event compere Deepak Andrade welcomed the guests and audience to the most awaited Konkani cultural fest. Followed by welcome song ‘Dev boro dees divn’ & skit ‘Konkani Aangan’ by KCWA MaiBhas students of Abbasiya trained by Margaret, Lavina Furtado and Gladys Noronha. This was well appreciated by the gathering. For the first time, Goan brothers and sisters participated in the KCWA event and displayed Goan culture and tradition as they performed in ‘Amchen Goyam’ – Baila dance and song, Comedy skit – ‘Bebdo’ & a group dance. This followed ‘Vodlen Fest’ – skit by MaiBhas students of Salmiya, which mesmerized the audience. Thirty-six children took part in the skit and was well received by the audience. Rinna D’Souza, Shanthi Vaz & Shareen Pinto trained these kids. ‘Roce sambhram’ by Abbasiya Konkani community coordinated by Rony Fernandes & Lavina Furtado, band by Mangalorean Cultural Association Kuwait (MCAK) and ‘Khazar’ by United Mangaloreans Kuwait (UMK) coordinated by Agnel Saldanha was treat to watch which sailed audience to their memories back home. ‘Ami Konkanghar’ – a Unity Dance performance by KCWA Managing Committee members enthralled the audience. The daylong program concluded at 11pm.

Al-Homaizi Group & Jet Airways were the sponsors of the event. Lucky draw held for Kuwait-Mangalore return ticket sponsored by Jet airways, which was won by Pius Santhumayor. The event was well coordinated by President Stevan Rego with support from KCWA Managing Committee and support committee members & Volunteers. Konkani speaking people of Kuwait for long will remember the day. KCWA wishes to thank the management of Carmel school for providing the auditorium and all those who supported in making this event a grand success.

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