
KCWA set to host Gulf Voice of Mangalore–Season 6

Kuwait, Mar 8: Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) in its 30th year of inception, is geared up to host the sixth edition of “Gulf Voice of Mangalore” (GVOM) – Konkani singing talent hunt show, popular among music loving and Konkani speaking people residing in the Gulf countries. Preliminary and semi-final rounds will be held in all the six Gulf countries by the Konkani organizations of the respective countries. Grand Finale will be held in the State of Kuwait, at the American International School on 09th November 2018.

After completion of 5 successful seasons in Kuwait, Dubai, Qatar, Muscat & Bahrain, Grand Finale of Season 6 will be held in the State of Kuwait, the cradle and birthplace of GVOM. A Core committee of 5 members headed by Steevan Misquith is formed to conduct the competition and overlook the entire Grand Finale of GVOM – Season 6. The other members of the core committee are Hilary Stevan Rego (President – KCWA), Orson D’souza (Cultural Secretary-KCWA), Kiran Gonsalves and Linette D’souza.

Founded by Late Louis Rodrigues and Lawrence Pinto in 2008, Gulf Voice of Mangalore has come a long way giving opportunities to many Mangalurean talents across the Middle East.

The past 5 seasons of GVOM have created sensation among the Mangalureans worldwide. This season too will definitely create waves and provide platform to the budding Mangalurean talents of the Gulf Region.

Daijiworld will be the official media partner for this event.

Details of the local organizers are as follows:

Rules & Regulations:


  1. The Competition is open to all Mangalurean Konkani Singers residing in, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.
  2. Preliminary and Semifinal rounds shall be held in Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain by the respective nominated organizations.
  3. Grand Finale will be held in Kuwait on Friday, 09th November 2018.
  4. The competition is dedicated to Konkani Songs chosen only from the released Mangalurean original albums (DVD/CD/Cassette).
  5. Religious hymns are not allowed. Any song which devalues the moral or any kind of attack on religion, person or country is not permitted and such entry shall not be entertained

Preliminary Rounds

  1. The interested contestants to participate in the Gulf Voice of Mangalore should submit their applications to the nominated Local organizers of the respective countries in prescribed form along with their passport copies and the valid residence permit copies, as proof of their age and residency.
  2. The contestant should be Eighteen (18) years of age on or before the preliminary round competition date.
  3. Visit visa holders are not eligible for the competition.
  4. The title holders of the previous FIVE GVOM’s will be restricted from participating in this season. The runners-up of the previous five seasons are permitted to compete for the title in this season.
  5. Application forms provided in Daijiworld to be filled and submitted online.
  6. The song can be of three minutes or more as per the discretion of the local organizers.
  7. Only acoustic / box guitar shall be allowed during the preliminary rounds. Electronic instruments sequence / minus track shall NOT be allowed.
  8. All songs should be sung in Konkani and from memory.
  9. Judging Criteria: The Judges will take into account the special characteristics of Song Recital as an artistic partnership between singers and will consider the following:

Semi-final Rounds

  1. Selected 12 best voices of the preliminary rounds should receive an official invitation from the organizing committees of the respective countries for the semi-final rounds specifying date, time and venue in order to register personally in the respective country of residence.
  2. Semifinal to be held in the respective country by the nominated organizing committee or organization on or before 30th September 2018.
  3. The candidates should confirm that they are free from all professional obligations during the competitions and that they can travel and stay in the country where the Finale will be held. Passport and Residence/Work Visa should be valid for a minimum of 6 months as on 30th November 2018.
  4. A draw shall be taken prior to the competition to determine order of the contestants’ participation in the competition.
  5. Selection of Songs
    • The 12 selected Semifinalists must submit to the organizers the names of five Mangalurean Konkani songs (only from the released albums) in the order of their preference immediately after the preliminary rounds competition. The list should contain the name of the album/ composer/Lyricist/Singer of the song
    • The 1st Song will be chosen for the Contestants to perform at the Semifinals. If a song gets repeated (i.e. if the same song is selected by the two or more contestants) the contestant will be given the next song from the list of songs provided. This is decided based on the contestant’s marks in the Preliminary Round (one who has got more marks in Preliminary Round will be given the chance to sing the selected song).
    • In addition to the above list Soundtracks should be submitted on a CD / USB / Email.
    • The selected songs not to exceed 8 minutes including the music and humming (if any).
    • Once a song is selected for the first round and is informed by the local organizer, the contestants must submit the lyrics of the songs in Baraha script).
    • The song should be sung exactly as in the released original track. Any Modification or alteration of the original song is strictly not allowed. The contestants can sing in their own style and pitch, but cannot modify the tune or lyrics of the song and should refrain from adding aalap, humming or sargam to the song.
    • For the selected song, the contestant should get the written permission from the CD / Album producer, within 15 days from the allotment of the song.
  6. A formal meeting of the contestants to be called prior to the competition by the local organizers and clear explanation of rules to be given by the organizing committee to all semifinal contestants.
  7. If one or more best voices of the preliminary rounds cannot contest in the semi-final rounds, then the next best voices of the preliminary rounds (as per the marks awarded in the preliminary round) will be given the chance to compete.
  8. All the semi-final rounds in all the countries should commence with the GVOM theme song.
  9. Live Music as accompaniment for semifinals to be provided by the local organizers. Minus tracks will not be allowed. All participants will sing only to the live music provided by the local organizers
  10. The competition can be one round or more than one round as per the local requirement and decision by the local organizers of the respective country.
  11. The Semifinals should be judged by 3 competent judges of Mangalurean Konkani Origin.
  12. The judges will be nominated by the Local organizers themselves.
  13. The Judging criteria for selection will be same as preliminary rounds competition
  14. The judges to select the 2 finalists from each participating country, one male and one female, from the 12 Semifinalists.


  1. The participant’s arrival date in host country for the Grand Finale which includes rehearsal will be informed at a later date to the local organizers of the respective countries.
  2. Visa, food and accommodation for four days in Kuwait will be arranged by the main organizer.
  3. Celebrity judges will be nominated by the host country and all the expenses of the Grand Finale will be borne by the main organizer of the host country and no share of expenses will be taken from any of the participating country unless agreed otherwise.
  4. The format of the Grand Finale will be as follows:
    The chosen finalists from each participating country will provide the list of their 5 songs (2 songs for First Round and 3 Songs for Second Round) to the main organizer through their Local coordinator. The list can be revised from the previous list submitted for semifinals, provided that the song sung for Semifinals will not be repeated.For every song provided in the list, the participant will get a written permission from the CD/Album producers along with the Lyrics and Audio tracks of all the listed songs. The song should be sung exactly as in the released original track. Any Modification or alteration of the original song is strictly not allowed. The contestants can sing in their own style and pitch, but cannot modify the tune or lyrics of the song and should refrain from adding aalap, humming or sargam to the song.
First Round (Contestant’s choice Round) : Total Score: 20 Marks

The Song of contestant’s choice supported by the live band to be sung from Memory; the song which is approved/agreed by the main organizer to avoid duplication of song by other contestants.

a) Judging Criteria:
1) Musicianship (Rhythm and Control over the song)
2) Technical Competence (Clarity of words, pitch quality and voice culture)
3) Rapport with the audience
4) Versatility in Program (expression, general presentation, understanding the Genre)
b) There will be no marks segregation based on the above criteria. The Marking pattern will be decided by the judges.

Second Round (Chord Round) : Total Score: 20 Marks

The singing of the Song without music accompaniment by the live band to be performed; only a chord will be given to commence the singing.

a) The song for this round will be decided by one of the judges on the spot, out of the list of 3 songs provided by the singer.
b) Only one verse and chorus to be sung.
    If the song starts with the chorus then the pattern will be Chorus – Verse – Chorus
    If the song starts with verse then the pattern will be Verse – Chorus
c) The Judges will decide, if the singer was successful or not and accordingly award the marks based on the performance.

Top FOUR contestants (based on the total scores of first and second round) in each category will be eligible for contesting in the third round.

Third Round (Common Song Round): Total Score: 10 Marks

The “Common Song” shall be selected by the Main organizer.

a) The contestant shall sing the ‘Common song’ from Memory.
b) Judging Criteria:

1) Musicianship (Rhythm and Control over the song)
2) Technical Competence (Clarity of words, pitch quality and voice culture)
3) Rapport with the audience
4) Versatility in Program (expression, general presentation, understanding the Genre)

c) There will be no marks segregation based on the above criteria. The Marking pattern will be decided by the judges.

5. Three prizes will be awarded for both the categories (Male & Female)

First prize: INR. 100,000 (Indian Rupees One Lakh only)
Second prize: INR. 50,000 (Indian Rupees Fifty Thousand only)
Third prize: INR. 25,000 (Indian Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only).

The prizes will be awarded at the end of the finale.

6. The decision of the Jury will be final and incontestable.
7. The selected candidates have responsibility to arrange a health and accident insurance policy for the duration of their stay in Kuwait. It is not a must for the competition.


For any clarification / information regarding GVOM – Season 6, please contact the local organizers or email to gvom2018@gmail.com. Log on to www.kcwakuwait.org or follow us on Facebook page facebook.com/gvom2018 for regular updates.

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