
General Body Meeting

KCWA General Body Meeting.

Venue: ICSK Amman Branch

Pics by: Alban D’Souza

March 14: Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its General Body Meeting on Friday, 14th March 2014 in ICSK (Amman) auditorium Salmiya. The meeting commenced at 6:30 pm with the opening prayer lead by Mr.Orson D’souza. President, Mr. Anil Fernandes heartily welcomed the gathering and expressed his gratitude towards all the members for their support, love and encouragement.


Various Reports were presented and appreciated by all. Mr. Louis D’costa and Mr.Anil Menezes presented Minutes of last GBM and activity reports respectively. Finance, Membership and educational fund reports were presented by Mr. Gilbert Mathias, Mr. Praveen Menezes and Mr. Vijay D’souza respectively. KCWA website and Facebook updates were presented by Mr. Rajesh Aranha. Silver Jubilee Mega Event details were presented by Mr.Stephen Machado. Spiritual director, Fr. Noel D’Almeida, lauded the works and achievements of KCWA.

Election was held for the post of Assistant General Secretary which was vacant after Mrs. Renita Raina D’Mello resigned due to her committments at the work place. Mrs. Reema D’Souza’s name was proposed by the Management Committee and was approved by the General Body. Mrs.Reema proposed vote of thanks followed by closing prayer. The meeting ended by singing ‘Deva Dayal’.

Sound system was provided by Mr. Anand D’souza (illuminations). Mr. Steevan Misquith facilitated power point presentation. The projector was provided by Mr. Walter Saldanha. The whole programme was compered efficiently by Vice President Mr. Deepak Andrade. The meeting was concluded at around 8:30 pm. Dinner was served by M&M confectionary. Around 150 members and their family were present.

KCWA Executive & Management committee would like to express their sincere gratitude to members for attending the GBM in large numbers and for their valuable suggestions and also thank the management of ICSK (Amman) for providing the auditorium.

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