KCWA holds General Body Meeting

Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its General Body Meeting on Friday, 26 August 2022 at Indian Community School (ICSK), Salmiya. The meeting commenced at 6:40 pm with the opening prayer led by Roshan Rodrigues.

President Ruth Clara Veigas heartily welcomed the gathering and expressed her gratitude towards all the members for their support, love, and encouragement. In a special way, she thanked all sponsors, donors, and well-wishers for contributing towards the success of Paanch Korodanche Sadhan. In her message, she mentioned that Monthi fest this year would be celebrated in a different manner. Unlike every year in the past, where we shared the meal as one big KCWA family, this year food will be offered to the less fortunate. She requested all the members and sponsors for their generous support so that we can reach out to our needy brethren. She introduced new General Treasurer Mr. Jayson D Souza and welcomed Mr. Roshan Rodrigues into the Managing Committee as a Nominated member.

Various Reports were presented and appreciated by all. Jeneviv D Souza presented Minutes of last GBM and Jinella Rodrigues presented the Activity Report. Finance, Membership and Education Fund reports were presented by Arun Jossy D Souza, Sylvia D Costa, and Alwyn Noronha respectively.

Cultural and Sports activity reports were presented by Ronson Saldanha & Prakash Pinto. KCWA website, Facebook and YouTube updates were presented by Allan D Souza.

Monthi Fest programme details were presented by Deepak Andrade. In his updates, he announced KCWA’s new commitment to the society, on Monthi Fest, KCWA Managing committee has chosen one of the corporal works of mercy, “feeding the hungry” by providing several shelter homes within Mangalore and Udupi diocese with over 2000 individuals a Traditional Festive Meal. Praveen Fernandes read the donors’ names.

Sylvia D Costa and Prakash Pinto conducted the Lucky Draw for the members present at the venue. Stella Castelino #2264 emerged as the Lucky Winner.

Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Noel D Almeida OFM Cap lauded the charity works of KCWA and congratulated KCWA family for supporting less fortunate in India as well as in Kuwait.

Winners of Travelogue Contest 2022 was also announced during the General Body Meeting. KCWA conducted Travelogue during the summer holidays for its members’ children on their first vacation after COVID outbreak. Ronson Saldanha announced winners’ names and expressed gratitude towards Judges of this competition Fr. Paul Melwyn D Souza, Fr. Santhosh Rodrigues, Fr. Manoj Victor D Souza, and Mr. Melwyn Peris. KCWA congratulated all the winners and the participants for their active participation. The competition was well coordinated by Jeneviv D Souza, Rinna D Souza and Veena Serrao.

Winners of Photo Essay:

  • First Place: Rachael D Souza # 2782
  • Second Place: Sharvin Dsouza # 2703

Winners of Video Log:

  • First Place: Carissa Sequeira # 1257
  • Second Place: Keitha Sequeira # 1257

Praveen Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks. Vice President, Harry Fernandes was the moderator. Alban D Souza captured the event through his skills in photography. Projector was provided by Alban D Souza and Allan D Souza animated the presentation. Sound system was provided by Roshan Rodrigues. Dinner was served by Family Bakers, Salmiya. Around 80 members and their families were present.

KCWA Managing committee would like to express their sincere gratitude to members for attending the GBM and for sharing their valuable thoughts and constructive suggestions. We also thank the management of Indian Community School (ICSK), Salmiya for providing the venue to hold the meeting.

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