KCWA Monthi Fest 2024

Greetings of Peace & Love on the Birthday of our Mama Mary, Monthi Fest 2024!!!

Monthi Fest (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) has always been a special occasion for all Mangalorean Catholics around the Globe. On this auspicious day, in addition to the veneration to our Heavenly Mother, we Mangalorean get new corn blessed and traditional ‘Monthi Fest Meal’ is shared.

On this occasion of Monthi Fest, KCWA Managing committee has chosen to continue to sponsor traditional festive meals to identified 22 shelter homes with less fortunate members of our society within Mangalore and Udupi diocese with over 2000 individuals like last year.

Your support in the past towards the Monthi fest celebration has been invaluable and once again this year we call on you to support us for this act of charity. We look forward to your selfless support and generosity to contribute towards the worthy cause. With your support and cooperation, we will surely be able to fulfil this plan for the greater glory of God.

KCWA committee is also happy to celebrate the “Monthi Fest” in our traditional manner along with KCWA members and their families together. It gives us immense joy to invite you all along with your family for ‘Monthi Fest 2024 – Novem Jevan” On Friday, 13th September at Indian Community School (ICSK), Senior Branch, Salmiya-Block 10 from 11am onwards. We look forward to your presence and join us in this celebration of thanksgiving for the gift of health and prosperity.

Please confirm your presence by filling up the online Registration provided. ‘Novem Jevan’ registration for KCWA members and their families will be open from 13th August till 11th September for the purpose to make necessary arrangements.

Each year you have been generously contributing for the expenses of the celebration and the surplus has gone towards reinvigorating KCWA to carry out more noble deeds of educating poor children and help them to build a better and fulfilling life. We are ever grateful and express our gratitude for your kind gesture.

Your generous contribution during Monthi Fest 2024 will make this year’s event too, a special one! We certainly value your kind continued support. If you wish to be a part of our “Monthi Fest 2024 Charity” you may approach any of the Managing Committee Members.

Should you need more information, please contact event coordinators Mr. Manoj Rego (cell 97287855) or Mr. Deepak Andrade (Cell 55117521).

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