Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA), in collaboration with the Konkani Community of the Holy Family Cathedral celebrated the Nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary, also
Gulf Voice of Mangalore without doubt is the biggest Konkani reality talent hunt for Mangalorean Catholics in the middle-east, with fans all over the world.
Beltangady, Aug 18: Capuchin Krishik Seva Kendra (CKSK), Vimukthi with the support of Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) jointly inaugurated ‘Suvidhya Educational Interest Free Loan’
On Friday the 5th of May 2018 the MaiBhas Classes inaugurated in Salmiya and Abbasiya parishes of Kuwait respectively. And KCWA launched another milestone of
KCWA held First Holy Communion Party of its members’ children on Friday, 27 April 2018 in Indian Community School auditorium, Senior Branch, Salmiya. Five of